SUNArt Billboard in the Métro place d’Italie – Paris

Discover #wildly Sunart.passion.ioBy L’affiche SUNArt dans le Métropolitain – Station Place d’Italie – Affiche 220 Les artistes pionniers à l’affiche annoncent SUNArt | Place d’Italie | Billboard number 220 Alain Mouyal dit Art-Throse Bellule Art Lady Joy Caloc 3 Billboards for P-DRAM ! 😀

SUNArt et les Entrepreneurs du 78 – France

SUNArt & Cie What an amazing evening ! Artists started to meet their own audiences made of entrepreneurs and firm’s directors for sharing the best of their both skills. Aurore – A Naturalist Artist on a Jewelry Mission Fode BAKARY, P-Dram, Eric Granon, Nathalie Boileau, Bechy, Lina David, All came for delivering Art ! 🎨Continue reading “SUNArt et les Entrepreneurs du 78 – France”


Relook Your World 👉 Who is it for? ✅ The program is specifically designed to put an end to the lack of their visibility compared to all other artistic skills such as Hollywood does for cinema. It’s designed for people who’ve tried their best for building their career alone and still haven’t been able toContinue reading “BOOK YOUR SUN SEAT”

At Arty-Show IX – Paris Georges V

Meeting a lot of artists helps to bring a lot of meaning to this world made of its entire complexity and surely multiplied universes. Natacha Toutain « Mon Père, ce héro » « J’ai hérité des deux passions de mon Père : Les Arts Graphiques et le Cinéma. Je ”croque” les gens célèbres, ceux quiContinue reading “At Arty-Show IX – Paris Georges V”

A Step Towards A Responsible Art

Elegance does not exclude thoughtfulness Few Principles for practicing this wonderful Artistic Job How to stay in the race For more Art Marketing explanations Buy Ethics Inspirations come from All kinds of Cultures Stay Open-Minded, and Create one ! 70 % of collectors are coming from abroad or are definitely thirsty of learning about new kindContinue reading “A Step Towards A Responsible Art”

Best Items to sell for Worldwide Artists !

Ambiance estivale Le ciel était si bleu et le soleil si brillant, qu’un été éternel rayon de rencontre semblait régner sur cette perspective. The sky was so blue and the sun so bright, that an eternal summer of encounter seemed to reign over this prospect. METAL PANELS WORKED IN FIRE The metal panel on woodContinue reading “Best Items to sell for Worldwide Artists !”

Mädchen Aus Paris bringen sich keine Sorgen.

Summer Mood My Life started with Chouchou, the girl who heals everything through Forgiveness. Party ! God gives mercy, and after I forgave my ex-husband of this huge lie of his, that were loving me, Jesus gave a hidden knight for saving my simple will of living beside all those numerous ugliest crowds of males.Continue reading “Mädchen Aus Paris bringen sich keine Sorgen.”

About Jewelry, $€¥, £ove and Exhibition …

« Bonjour, je m’appelle Joy Caloc.Créatrice indépendante,j’adore voyager pour échanger nos cultures.» — Lady JC Ltd. May 14-19, 2022 – THE CRYPT GALLERY #ON TOUR from Florence to London The basements of an old London church AT CRYPT GALLERY, LONDON Here is a very special exhibition organized in the crypt of an old church based inContinue reading “About Jewelry, $€¥, £ove and Exhibition …”